Honking - makes me wonder why

I am so glad Mumbai decided to observe 'No Honking Day' two days ago on World Health Day. People usually associate pollution with air pollution or water pollution, bcoz they fall sick due to that. What most dont realise is noise pollution and how honking contributes so much to it.

Honking on empty roads:
In Baroda, I've found honking, even when the whole road is empty. They keep honking - God knows for what reason. Sometimes, I've felt these must be ppl from the neighbouring villages, but its just a guess.

Honking at traffic signals:
In Bangalore, ppl start honking at traffic signals, even before the light turns green. I often wonder why. What are the vehicles in front supposed to do? Rush the signal and risk getting rammed, so that our friend who is honking his way to glory, can save 1 or 2 minutes of his time.

Honking in the midst of heavy traffic:
And there there is also the category of people, who honk, when they are caught up in heavy traffic - like on Airport road in Bangalore - with some 100 vehicles in front of them. Do they expect all the vehicles in front, to fly away or disappear in thin air? What purpose is the honking solving, other than irritating some ppl and raising tempers and giving rise to road rage?

India vs Foreign countries:
I usually feel the most when I come back from a business visit abroad for 2-3 months. And I can hardly remember someone blowing their horn in all those months abroad. As soon as you return and come out of the airport in India, its as if we are thrown into this well, full of noise of all kinds - the worst being honking.

I often wonder, but have never found answers to all these questions (especially, 'why' honk). I used to get irritated or angry earlier and even ask these ppl to stop honking, but over the years, I've realised that ppl dont change.
So I wait for the day, when ppl will realise that honking contributes to noise pollution and is bad for everyone's health. Full marks to the Mumbai traffic police to have taken such an initiative.


I was glad too when the No Honking Day was announced but I knew it was going to be just another gimmick.

And that is what exactly it turned out to be - A gimmick.

For me it made no difference as I rarely honk.

It is commendable that these initiatives are being taken up but nothing will work till - WE THE PEOPLE WANT TO IMPROVE OURSELVES AND OUR SOCIETY.
Harshan said…
I lived in Mumbai most of my life before coming to the US. I just wonder how the traffic can move without honking there....I guess its a part of driving ...keeps the city alive ... :-)
Harshan said…
I lived in Mumbai most of my life before coming to the US. I just wonder how the traffic can move without honking there....I guess its a part of driving ...keeps the city alive ... :-)

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