Permionics Water Purifier - A good customer experience

The beginning of a need:

In April 2007, a sales man from a local dealer came calling to my house door. He offered to check the tap water and let me know how pure it is. I said ok - no harm in knowing. He put a thermometer like equipment in the glass of water n came up with a reading of 800 or so and said TDS was high. I had no clue what TDS meant. I tried to understand it from him and then said will call if I need one - citing high cost (8000-10000 Rs) as the reason.

Deciding on a water purifier:

As I said, I had little or no knowledge of TDS and other technical details about water purifiers. So I decided to turn to some review sites to know more. Like a typical person, I had also heard abt Aqua Guard, Kent, etc due to their ads.I went thru a lot of the reviews about water purifiers. And suddenly felt 'englightened' :-)

Myths dashed:
Reading the reviews dashed all my myths abt some brands - especially Aqua Guard - with their bad after sales support. Also, surprising found goodd reviews abt some local and Indian brands - like Permionics in Baroda (I stay in Baroda).

Going local:

I checked out Permionics website with the link ( someone had very thoughtfully provided in one of the reviews. And found that it is less than 5kms from my house. they are reachable. I decided to call the number on the website - half expecting it to be the updated one. But surprisingly, it worked and a receptionist attended the call - passed on the call to the relevant person (a lady with a huge mallu accent) - who gave me the details that I wanted. She also said a person by name Mr. Parthasarathy Sahoo will call me. I thought 'there it goes' - this will be the end and no one will follow up. But surprise again - he called me in a day and offered to come hom to discuss details. He also did the TDS test and advised me in details abt the technology used, the different type of purifiers and also the right one for my home. I had initially thought their producted which costed abt Rs 5000 was right for me, but turned out it was gud for TDS <= 500. My TDS reading was 900-1000. So he suggested an RO System for Rs 11000 + some nano-filtration membrane / treatment for additional 1.5K - so 12,500 Rs in all.

The details:

Brand Name: Perma Pure RO System
Technology used: Nano-filteration
TDS achieved: This reduced TDS from 1000 to abt 300 (70% reduction).
Water loss ration: The water loss ration was 1:2 - that is, for every one glass puriried water, 2 glasses was wasted. Seems for other brands like Aqua Guard, this ratio is 1:3 (not confirmed - need to check).
Taste of water output: There is slight change in taste. But after cooling it in fridge, there is no taste difference.

What's good about 'Permionics':

  1. Number of calls needed to get it installed was less. Just made 3-4 calls in all -
    a) one call for inquiry
    b) to confirm my order
    c) to fix date on installation
  2. Advise on technology used was with a view to get me the right system, rather than to sell any product. Guy did not seem in a hurry to sell the product to meet his targets.
  3. Sales guy and technical person are the same - Mr. Sahoo (98245.55264). One of the most genuine guys I've seen in any field.
  4. Installation - He oversaw even the installation and ensured that everything worked before leaving. He also gave a demo to family on how to operate it, what precautions to take, was ok in giving extra pipes or connectors so that it was comfortable to fill up containers with pure water, etc...
  5. Gave warranty card duly stamped n signed

Whats bad:

Luckily, have not had a bad interaction with them yet. Have not had to use their after-sales services till now, so cannot comment on it. But given my experience so far, I think it will be gud.

Summary / recommendation:

Dont know if they supply outside Baroda. But I would recommend Permionics 100% to anyone wishing to buy a water purifier / RO system. ( I am just a consumer like everyone and not involved in promoting Permionics in anyway). So this is just a satisfied customer recommending a good product.


Unknown said…
Aquaguard Before buy Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier in India, you need to know that which one Best. Too many water purifier available in the market. You should to confirm that your Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier built with UV system. The primary
Devanand Ahire said…
I have pureflo product and using it since year in Pune. I have very bad experience in aftersales service. Pipe started leaking within 3-4 months and you have to call them again and again. Mr Sane a dealer is very rude. He was good only till he sold his product. Product is good but pathetic service.
pmshah said…
I have been using their Pureflow UF for about 4 years now. Have never had one problem nor any kind of sickness or upset stomach. I have a lot of visitors from overseas who normally drink bottled water. None have had any problem with this water. The water leakage you talk about may strictly be due to the "htodi chhaap" technician who attended to your problem. I have relocated my self to a new home recently. Hung it up myself as also replaced both the inlet and outlet piles with longer one as were needed. No leakage problem at all.
Unknown said…
Looking for a decent system for home use and found this, What do you think? Top Water Purifiers/
pmshah said…
I absolutely am against consuming RO water. It removes essential minerals required for good health. Unless you are living in an area with TDS much above 300, avoid is. If it is higher I suggest ypo use part RO and part UF treated water to reduce hardness to acceptable level and retaining essential minerals.
suchi said…
Nice Blog.. choose Ro Spare Parts from Ro Point Company with best quality & best prices
Kabir said…
Aquaguard ro Water Purifier range from Eurekha is wide and fits all household needs and budgets, the company has different water purifiers with the Aquaguard product range named Aquaguard UV, Aquaguard RO, Aquaguard UF, AquaSure RO, AquaSure UV, AquaSure Storage, Aquaguard UV+RO+UF. Aquaguard Service Center | Aquaguard Ro Water Purifier
Unknown said…
Nice post about Water Purifier RO System. i really appreciate. Get top quality RO plant with best quality & prices from Hitech.
Annu Sharma said…
Thanks for shared wonderful information of giving best information.its more useful and more helpful. great doing keep sharing..

Commercial RO System
Aquafresh RO System
RO Repair services
Annu Sharma said…
Nice Post, Thanks For Sharing useful Information!!

Commercial RO System
Aquafresh RO System

Unknown said…
Nice post very well written.

Check here for some products about the water purifier which are very best for home and industry to use. These are:

Alkaline Ro+Led Purifier For Home
Alkaline Ro Purifier For Industry
Uv Purifier for Home
Uv Purifier for Industry
Alkaline Ro + UV/UF Purifier

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